ASE 2020 Annual Conference has ended
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Mariko Kobayashi

Association for Studies in Hypothesis-Experiment Class
Manager of translation and publication committee
I taught science at a Japanese junior high school for about 30 years before retiring and working as the literature translation secretariat for the Association for Studies in Hypothesis-Experiment Class(HEC).
Several years ago, I published the iOS app 'If You Could See an Atom' in bilingual English and Japanese. It has been well received as a unique lesson plan for Hypothesis-Experiment Class to help children encounter the world of atoms and molecules for the first time.
I look forward to showing you again at ASE 2024 annual conference what HEC is all about and how it can engage students at different levels in science. If you see me, please do speak to me. Although my English is not very good, I am sure we can talk about our mutual enthusiasm for science education.